Esta es una excelente oportunidad de estudiar Español de una forma en que permanezca por tiempo indefinido en la memoria, aspecto en el cual muchas personas no se sienten seguras ni estimuladas a aprender un nuevo lenguaje.

Spanish Learning
Made Easy and Fun

For Individuals and Corporate Managers

Ana de la Cuesta Gerlach, Instructor

Spanish as America's Second Language
People have all sorts of reasons for wanting to learn Spanish. Hispanics constitute the largest minority community in the U.S. now, and, whether one works in government, education, health care or business, there are innumerable occasions when a knowledge of Spanish is desirable, if not essential. Businessmen focused on the vast Latin American marketplace know in their hearts that expecting the "locals" to know English is not the way to gain a competitive advantage. Tourists planning to visit Spain or any of Latin America's 17 Spanish-speaking countries will enrich their experiences immeasurably by being able to converse in the host-country language.

So, with so many reasons for learning Spanish, why don't more people do it?  In most cases, it's because of the FIT factor:

  • Fear that you are unable to learn a language.
  • Inertia: You intend to get started but keep letting it slip.
  • Time - the lack thereof or the impossibility of fitting available courses into your schedule.
Ana Gerlach can only encourage you in overcoming inertia or time problems, but, with her TPRS method, she can practically guarantee success in dealing with the fear factor.

The "Total Physical Response Storytelling" (TPRS) Method

Do you panic when it comes to learning languages? Or does the very thought cause you to start yawning? If so, chances are that you have the traditional approach to language learning in mind and that you are unfamiliar with the TPRS method, a "right-brain" instructional strategy that has been proven effective in thousands of classrooms around the world and in every language imaginable.

No doubt you are familiar with the phenomenon that young children pick up languages without trouble. Did you ever consider why? Do adults lack the necessary brainpower - or mental dexterity - to learn languages as easily as children do?

The answer is no. Adults simply choose not to learn as a child does - i.e., through the use of the kinesthetic sensory system. As children grow older, they learn less through physical action and more through reading and writing. By the time they have their first formal language instruction - perhaps in middle school - they will probably be forced to endure the traditional method, with its emphasis on reading and grammar. Typically, few of the children will acquire any significant practical facility in understanding or speaking the language being taught.

Ana's TPRS Approach
You will learn Spanish as small children do - by doing, seeing, and feeling things, with English translation avoided as much as possible. You will find yourself telling stories fluently in Spanish. The TPRS method is stress-free and fun - so much so that business managers have praised Ana's group sessions as excellent bonding opportunities for their staff. You'll be amazed not only with how quickly you learn words and phrases, but also with how well you remember them. When you are traveling in a Spanish-speaking country, you will know what to say and ask, and - just as important - you will understand the responses you hear. For background on the TPRS method, visit the website of its creator, Blaine Ray.
Terms of Instruction